The benefits of organic food

And 10 fruits and vegetables you should only eat organic.
Is it really worth all of the hype, not to mention the expense of buying organic meals and items produced with organic ingredients? Read on to discover the advantages and drawbacks of organic foods, as well as how you feel about what exactly means organic.
The term “organic” is defined in grade school chemistry as anything connected to or derived from living things.
The term “organic,” according to the USDA, refers to a product that has been manufactured in conformity with guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the National Organic Program and is certified as such by an approved certifying agency.
From the 1900s to the 1940s, organic food and farming in the United States arose as a movement against industrial agriculture’s heavy reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, some of which have since been linked to serious health concerns such as hormone disruption and cancer, as well as undesirable environmental consequences.
The origins of the modern organic certification movement date back to before the turn of this century, when a number of organizations began independently establishing their own certifications for non-GMO foods. This initiative gradually blossomed into the inception of an organic certification procedure that covered everything from farmed produce and pasture-raised meats to processed and multi-ingredient meals for those who want to get the USDA’s official organic seal. The USDA Organic certification is intended to ensure that the food you buy is of high quality and reflects ethical farming and ranching practices. It’s not, however, your only option if you want to purchase meals produced without the use of industrial agriculture techniques and chemicals.
Knowing what “organic” means might help you make informed decisions when it comes to your food purchases.
The USDA’s “Organic” label refers to a regulatory label that is governed by the USDA and the National Organic Program and contains requirements and restrictions regarding food production and agricultural methods.
What is the “organic certification” process? It’s not simply a matter of driving out to the farm for a few hours. For organic farmers and ranchers, it might be a time-consuming and expensive procedure, as the USDA reviews every aspect of their operation from the soil all the way to the consumer.
The process consists of strict requirements such as:
- Three years before harvest, no prohibited substances were used on the soil.
- A fully outlined organic system that explains all of the operations and procedures to be followed and maintained
- All equipment and chemicals used in production, including purchase date and storage location, are meticulously tracked.
- Organic farming is also very strict when it comes to GMO usage. The use of GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, including anything produced with GMO components, is strictly prohibited. Cell fusion and DNA modification are examples of non-natural techniques used to influence plant growth that are all prohibited.
The organic certification procedure is not to be taken lightly, but keep in mind that it refers to farming methods that comply with National Organic Program criteria.
Organic food and beverage items can be labeled as such if they are produced in compliance with the organic rules for production. Animals must be fed 100 percent organically grown food and raised in milieu that replicate their natural behaviors, such as grazing in a pasture.
When it comes to labeling processed foods the amount of organic material used in the production process is important. There are several degrees of organic when it comes to labeling processed foods that contain organically sourced ingredients based on how much of the product is made up of those items. Many factors must be considered while purchasing processed, multi-ingredient meals. Foods that have the USDA organic seal must not contain any artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors.
Although the term “organic” implies that no pesticides were used, it does not imply that the product was never exposed to them. During growth and processing, organic farmers may still utilize fertilizers and natural ingredients-based materials.
Organic farmers can choose to use substances on the USDA’s list of permitted synthetic and natural chemicals. Plastic crop covers to sodium silicate, a coating used to prevent fruit from going sour or getting damaged during transport (often utilized in conventional farming), are among the items that are permissible for use in organic crop production. Rather than frightening you, this is intended to assist you in determining if organic products are worth the money, as they may be pricey at times.
Organic farmers use less pesticides and herbicides as a result of their needs for fewer inputs. There are numerous synthetic chemicals that aren’t permitted in organic agriculture, such as most conventional synthetic fertilizers and pesticides like glyphosate, which is commonly utilized in “Round-Up” products. So eating organically produced foods may help to reduce your risk of pesticide and herbicide chemical intake.
The misconception that organic label implies no pesticides or chemicals were used in the production or around the crops is nothing more than myth!
This has been a contentious issue for many years, with there being a widespread conviction that organic foods are superior to conventional (non-organic) ones. Unfortunately, this has not been thoroughly investigated.
When attempting to assess the measurable advantages of eating organic foods, there are several difficulties. Many studies employ organic treatments that result in a boost in whole food consumption and typically a reduction in processed food intake, which may provide some health benefit as consuming a diet rich in whole foods has been shown to aid with things like weight loss, hypertension, and blood sugar control. It’s difficult to assess in many of these research whether the advantages come from eating organic or a change in dieting more whole foods, but there’s no doubting that reduced consumption of highly processed and fast meals has health benefits.
Some organic foods are considered to be more nutrient-dense than conventionally grown foods, regardless of their health advantages. Certain organic meals have greater antioxidant amounts and superior omega-3 fatty acid levels when compared to conventionally farmed foods (particularly in organic dairy). Organic foods have also been linked to lower amounts of hazardous heavy metals, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticide residues, as well as antibiotic-resistant bacteria exposure.
The limited amount of statistically significant data does not suggest that eating organically will provide any particular health advantages, despite the fact that it may be beneficial to reduce your contact with herbicides, pesticides, and antibiotics.
It’s ultimately up to you to decide how you want to structure your diet, but we do know that eating more whole fruits and vegetables can be beneficial to our health.
Because they are healthier and more beneficial to the environment, many individuals have their reasons to purchase organic, including:
Reducing chemical herbicides and pesticides consumption
Antibiotic-free meat products
Sustainable organic farming methods that foster soil health
To feel more secure about the quality of your food and how it is produced knowing that every bite you take comes from a sustainable source.
Promote environmental conservation and preserve a healthy ecosystem.
Animal health and well-being
Fruits and vegetables with tough rinds have been shown to have higher levels of residual chemical residue on the exterior, therefore the Environmental Working Group (EWG) creates a “dirty dozen” and “clean twenty” list to assist consumers choose which fresh fruits and vegetables are better organic. The EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” list usually contains fruits and vegetables known to be particularly high in pesticides, such as:
- Strawberries
- Peaches
- Bell peppers
- Spinach
- Kale and collard greens
- Tomatoes
- Apples
- Grapes
- Pears
- Celery
These are some of the food items that they advise you to buy organic to reduce your pesticide and herbicide intake.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes an annual shoppers’ guide that ranks the pesticide contamination of up to 50 popular fruits and vegetables based on the results of more than 46,000 samples of food examined by the USDA and FDA.
If you’re considering the benefits and drawbacks of organic diets, you’ll need to consider sustainability and the environment. Organic farming may help reduce pesticide use by encouraging farmers to grow crops without pesticides, which is thought to be good for the planet and more humane farming techniques. Organic farmers and ranchers follow certain methods in order to be healthier for both themselves and the environment, as well as more beneficial to our soil; without healthy, fertile soil, our ability to produce food is jeopardized, and soil deterioration caused by industrial agriculture and ranching strategies is a very real problem.
Organic farming, on the other hand, has several advantages, such as conservation of water, soil degradation and erosion reduction, and improved soil quality and nutrients levels. However, there are other types of agriculture that are attempting to improve the environment. Organic farming certification is one of several types of farming and ranching that the government closely watches, and small, local farmers may not be able to afford to become certified organic, but that doesn’t imply they aren’t practicing sustainable farming techniques. Permaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, agroforestry, and other eco-friendly farming methods are just a few of the ways you can farm sustainably.
For us, it was a no-brainer. We seek to use organic whenever possible, but we also get to know where our products come from. This means that we work with farmers who grow the best quality, long-lasting goods – whether they’re organic or not! Have a look at our great certified organic ingredients.
Organic food products are an excellent way to contribute to the local economy and develop a healthy, environmentally beneficial lifestyle:
- Offering healthy food ingredients
- Minimize the negative impact on the environment as much as possible.
- Assuring that animals are treated humanely
- Improving the quality of food
- Organic also strives to improve, as it has done in the past. These criteria you establish as a consumer are constantly being enhanced. When you buy high-quality food, you’re establishing a standard for what constitutes good food. And others will follow when you raise the bar higher. It’s because of this that Organic is one of the fastest-growing segments in the food business.